Nearest Airport to San Sebastian, Spain

What is the nearest airport to San Sebastian, Spain?

San Sebastián Airport is the nearest airport to San Sebastian, Spain. It is among the nearest airports situated closest the location. This airport is also known as EAS Airport. It lies in Basque Country, Spain and is nearly 13.04 miles or 21 kilometers away from San Sebastian.

The Nearest International Airport to San Sebastian, Spain

DistanceAirport CodeAirport NameCity
50 kmBIQ / LFBZ Biarritz – Anglet – Bayonne AirportBiarritz, France
103 kmBIO / LEBBBilbao AirportBilbao, Spain
193 kmSDR / LEXJSantander AirportSantander, Spain
198 kmLDE / LFBTTarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées AirportTarbes, France

Closest Domestic Airport to San Sebastian, Spain

DistanceAirport CodeAirport NameCity
21 kmEAS / LESOSan Sebastián AirportSan Sebastian, Spain
50 kmBIQ / LFBZBiarritz – Anglet – Bayonne AirportBiarritz, France
90 kmPNA / LEPPPamplona AirportPamplona, Spain
103 kmBIO / LEBBBilbao AirportBilbao, Spain

Local Nearest Airport to San Sebastian, Spain

DistanceAirport CodeAirport NameCity
101 kmVIT / LEVTVitoria AirportVitoria, Spain

Map of Nearest Airports San Sebastian, Spain

Map of Nearest Airports San Sebastian

Top 10 things to do near San Sebastian, Spain Airports

NameThings to do
La Concha BeachBeaches
Parte ViejaNeighborhoods
Monte UrgullLookouts
Monte IgueldoMountains
Peine del VientoPoints of Interest & Landmarks
San Telmo MuseoaArt Museums
Miramar PalaceCastles

Frequently Asked Question

What is the nearest airport to San Sebastian, Spain?

The nearest airport is San Sebastián Airport (EAS)

Where is San Sebastián Airport?

Airport Situated in Basque Country, Spain.

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