Nearest Airport to Alexandria, Egypt

What is the nearest airport to Alexandria, Egypt?

Alexandria International Airport is the nearest airport to Alexandria, Egypt. It is among the nearest airports situated closest the location. This airport is also known as ALY Airport. It lies in Alexandria, Egypt and is nearly 6.21 miles or 10 kilometers away from Wilhelmshaven.

The Nearest International Airport to Alexandria, Egypt

DistanceAirport CodeAirport NameCity
10 kmALY / HEAXAlexandria International AirportAlexandria, Egypt
47 kmHBE / HEBABorg El Arab International AirportBorg El Arab, Egypt
240 kmCAI / HECACairo International AirportCairo, Egypt

Closest Domestic Airport to Alexandria, Egypt

DistanceAirport CodeAirport NameCity
47 kmHBE / HEBABorg El Arab International AirportBorg El Arab, Egypt
240 kmCAI / HECACairo International AirportCairo, Egypt

Local Nearest Airport to Alexandria, Egypt

DistanceAirport CodeAirport NameCity
80 kmEG2Jiyanklis New AirbaseJiyanklis, Egypt

Map of Nearest Airports Alexandria, Egypt

Map of Nearest Airports Alexandria, Egypt

Top 10 things to do near Alexandria, Egypt Airports

NameThings to do
Bibliotheca AlexandrinaArchitectural Buildings
Fort QaitbeyHistoric Sites
Catacombs of Kom el ShoqafaAncient Ruins
CornichePiers & Boardwalks
Montazah GardensGardens
Royal Jewelry MuseumMuseum
Ancient Roman AmphitheaterAncient Ruins
Stanley BridgeBridge

Frequently Asked Question

What is the nearest airport to Alexandria, Egypt?

The nearest airport is Alexandria International Airport (ALY)

Where is Alexandria International Airport?

Airport Situated in Alexandria, Egypt.

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